The Art of Just Sitting: Essential Writings on the Zen Practice of Shikantaza by

The Art of Just Sitting: Essential Writings on the Zen Practice of Shikantaza

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The Art of Just Sitting: Essential Writings on the Zen Practice of Shikantaza ebook
Publisher: Wisdom Publications MA
Page: 256
ISBN: 9780861719495
Format: pdf

And he wasn't just 'Zen master' is not a very good place in which to hide from the world methinks, just as zazen is not intended to be a place to hide and seek protection in the vast vacuums of the self. Emphasis, zazen To me, and this is just one opinion, “hardcore” should be about real mastery, real practice, real results, real empowerment to do all this stuff. Finding herself at midlife, she was troubled to realized that she still had as I did, I committed myself to a path of inquiry that now feels essential to me. Feb 17, 2012 - I guess we'll see once I start writing my answer. If shikantaza is “just hit sit”, as you could stretch Kobun's remarks to conclude, then why offer instructions to folks who are thinking of taking up zazen as a practice? I felt bereft when I finished writing Devotion, because I just wanted to keep writing it. Well, many teachers don't offer any instruction. Dogen was a big advocate of the student/teacher relationship BTW, he saw it as essential to correct practice, although it is not particularly emphasised in Dogen Sangha it seems. Yet from your writing I get that feeling that you believe such a state is an essential part of (at least) your practice. Jul 30, 2010 - Approach, zazen specifically shikantaza, meditation with focus on insight. Mar 9, 2010 - In her new memoir, Devotion, Shapiro takes a literary journey into the essential questions of her life. How that (Shobogenzo, Zazenshin, Gudo Nishijima & Mike Cross) [quoted in Zen – Enlightened Wisdom, Delusion, and Confusion By Ted Biringer, on May 4th, 2010-read Ted's commentary on that line for some serious hardcore Zen.]. Dogen's writings seem to be a lot more along these lines of incorporating your practice into the everyday with his concentration on the notion of 'shikantaza'. In any sort of hypnotic, hypnic or any other state between awake or dreaming while sitting zazen. Feb 27, 2012 - Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Sanskrit/Pāli) “the awakened one”). The former greatly favouring the use in meditation on the koan (公案, a meditative riddle or puzzle) as a device for spiritual break-through, and the latter (while certainly employing koans) focusing more on shikantaza or “just sitting”. The Zen boys seem to think that ALL thinking is bad and we should just walk around in a somnambulistic state to achieve true happiness; true ignorance is bliss philosophy.
